Flutter Rows & Columns

Widgets play a key role in flutter layout where everything is a widget. Text and images are widgets but something you don’t see in a Flutter app is also widgets e.g, rows and columns, etc. Text and images are visible widgets whereas rows and columns are layout or invisible widgets. Row Widget will have its […]


Flutter Container Widget

Do you have a widget that needs some background style, maybe a background color shape or some size constraints? Try wrapping it in a Container Widget. It helps you compose, decorate and position child widgets. Color If you wrap your widget in a container widget without any other parameters, you won’t notice any difference in […]


Flutter Add Image

Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single code base. Flutter allows you to build apps for mobile, web, dekstop, and embedded devices – all from a single codebase. Referring to the official documentation we can easily add image in a flutter app using the […]


Flutter Dark Theme

Continuing the previous blog post which explained flutter Scaffold() and AppBar() widgets. We had used home argument of MaterialApp() widget and the value of this argument was a Scaffold() Widget. Scaffold() Widget had appBar arugment that accepts AppBar() constructor, the consturctor accepts title argument with the value of Text() widget and body argument with a value of […]


Flutter Scaffold and AppBar Widgets

Flutter Scaffold and AppBar Widgets help in the beautification of our App and display some string in the app bar. Consider the following flutter code. Here we have used MaterialApp() widget and are using home parameter of the MaterialApp() widget. In the home parameter, we are using a Text widget that displays some text. Output […]


Minimal Flutter App

Minimal Flutter app is the simplest possible app that calls the runApp( ) function with a widget. In the main function, we are calling runApp( ) function where we are passing two widgets directly irrespective of Stateless or Stateful behavior. We have wrapped the Text( ) widget in Center Widget. In other words, the Center( […]